Gundam RX-78-2 Anime Manga Poster Size 24X36
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The Gundam RX-78-2 is a pivotal mecha in the Gundam series, renowned for its sleek design and powerful capabilities. As the original Gundam prototype, it serves as a symbol of hope and resistance against oppressive forces, embodying the spirit of heroism and courage. Its one of the most recognizable mecha...
The Gundam RX-78-2 is a pivotal mecha in the Gundam series, renowned for its sleek design and powerful capabilities. As the original Gundam prototype, it serves as a symbol of hope and resistance against oppressive forces, embodying the spirit of heroism and courage. Its one of the most recognizable mecha in pop culture. Poster size 24X36.
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Poster Format: |
Individually Rolled & Labeled |
SKU: |
54893 |